Botox Populi apoya la industria discográfica y sólo da a conocer música, sin ánimo de lucro.
Si te gusta un disco, cómpralo. :)

miércoles, 17 de junio de 2009

Super Busty Samurai Monkey - Curse of the sabrewulf

"Curse of the sabrewulf : FREE

Ni hao ! just finished our last record, Curse of the sabrewulf, another 8bit/sliced vocals opera shite thing, available in 3 minicd's (pretty limited!) at GoodNiteMoskovite and one cd available thru us. 27 tracks and double kick samples waiting.
Also, since this is the internet, we want to give you this record for fucking free. Because we download music too:

SBSM (2009)

Hope you enjoy our shite


Aquí su MYSPACE.

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